
Saturday, November 3, 2012

If you were Wondering what other Types of Things I write other than long-winded rhyming poems...

Oh, yes, oh yes, oh yes, Ssal has done it again! She has posted one of her stories:


The story of a lovable, religious bigot

It would actually make a good short story, so I am told. However, it has been YEARS and I still haven't converted it from screenplay format to short story. However, however, the screenplay reads JUST LIKE A SHORT STORY because there is so much voice over, you know, omniscient story-telling perspectivo?

Anyway, if you aks how a religious bigot can be lovable? Well then, you'll just have to read the first few chapters (scenes). Give a shout out or a plus if you like the story, and I will post more. I am motivated by my fans (all three of you). ;-)

Oh, I forgot, you have to click on the page link at the top. I'll try to add it here...give me a sec...

THE SECTARIAN: The story of a lovable, religious bigot

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