
Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Tale of Two Romneys: A Satirical Election Poem Explained

Click here for An Open Letter to President Obama.

***Politifact just named Mitt Romney's advertisement claiming Jeep was sold to an Italian company and that Jeep jobs would be outsourced to Chinese workers in China's plants, as 2012's Lie of the Year.

A Tale of Two Romneys was posted earlier. You can skip this part if you like, unless you like to hear me rant. I do a rather good job of spinning like Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reilly. An angry Democrat, and I'm not even Black! (That's what one of them would say.)

A little background: 

If you have read Charles Dickens's "A Tale of Two Cities," (I haven't but I did see the made-for-TV-movie a long, long time ago and it really got to me), you might recall that the first line of the book (one of the greatest of all time, along with "Lolita" and "Anna Karenina" (I have read the former but only saw the Greta Garbo version of Anna Karenina)) goes something like this:

It was the Best of Times, it was the Worst of Times, it was the Age of Wisdom, it was the Age of Foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the Spring of Hope, it was the Winter of Despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way...

As you can see, many people in our country (the U.S.) feel both ways about the status and direction of America. Not coincidentally, Gov. Mitt Romney could have spoken the very words of intro to Charles Dickens's (or is it Charles's Dickens?) story. 

He's against abortion. He won't put in place any anti-abortion regulation when he comes into office. Oh, he forgot that he is strongly pro-life but forgets what he was when governor of Massachusetts.

He will repeal Obamacare (but he doesn't have the votes necessary in the senate) but what about Romneycare? Wow, if everyone in America could have the health insurance Massachusetts has.

He'll cut taxes across the board TWENTY-FU@#!*-PERCENT people. Yes, that includes the wealthiest ONE PERCENT of the population. No, he won't cut taxes for everyone, just the middles class or lower, e.g., the Forty-Seveners. But he'll still be able to balance the budget and reduce the debt while increasing military spending. HTF will he be able to do this if you lose revenues while increasing expenditures? The amount of extra consumer spending or investment doesn't even come close to the decreased tax revenue or the increase in military expenditure.

Do you know what caused our magnificent debt? Go to any economics textbook and you'll see government spending FU&!#@* EXPLODED in the 1980's under a Republican president.  For the cold war. Since then, Republicans have been spending like mad, while still chanting small government, which shows to go you that you can fool some of the people all of the time, but hopefully not enough of the people this time around!

It's not that small government is bad. It can be good. But Republicans shouldn't go around spending money making government big, then blaming the rest of us for spending too much on social services, which by the way don't cost anywhere near the price tag of nuclear weapons. 

Then Republicans cry free-market, laissez faire, but then they swindle the small guy, get greedy, fu#! up the economy, and their own business, then call for government bailouts! By the time they consolidate to be "too-big-to-fail", consolidation that they claim is good for economies of scale, but then never pass on to the customer, they just end up acting like a monopoly and hiking up the price, the government has to bail them out because of the far-reaching ripple effects from an entire banking system failing. If there had been more government regulation of banks, which big business cry foul on because of course you can trust them not to sell bad securities like mortgages, then banks wouldn't have the balls to fu#% the economy up again.

Yet, obviously, we did not learn anything or enough from the 1980s savings and loan crisis because after a while, the banks start going back to their greedy ways, claiming "free-market free-market don't regulate us, it's un-American!" and after ruining our great economy, the cry "help us out here, it's the American way!" but grumble when the Forty-Seveners, veterans, students, elderly ask for an itty bitty help. 


Did we just let Wall Street fu#@ us up again without passing stricter regulation? Oh yes, we did. 

So the Great Recession, caused by Wall Street Republicans and blessed by Republican presidents, senators and politicians alike has to be fixed by a Democrat and THAT'S WHEN THE REPUBLICANS TRY TO STOP THE SPENDING! Citing small government when they made government fu#%@ big and obnoxious. 

Can we say Two-Faced Janus three-times real quick without tripping over our two-forked tongue(s)?

There comes a time, people, when a civilization will come to its saddle point, a no-going-back point, a point from no return. One way leads to the long-term evolution of a race, the other goes to zero. Stephen Hawkings encouraged space exploration long ago when he saw climate change a-coming. Could anyone miss Sandy? And now the Republicans claim that they never disagreed that climate change wasn't a real phenomenon, just as they claim their party freed the slaves! Uh, the party that freed the slaves were the liberals, the equivalent of the Democrats today, you angry, red-faced bald (and shiny) Re-Poob-licans!

There! I can be angry, too! Only I'm not a red-faced moon-faced white male with a shiny bald head picking on a black president because he's black! Then denying it by saying, "why do the liberals always have to play the race card!" Because you're racist, that's why! You know who you are. Sadly enough, so does your mother.

So, on to the poem, "A Tale of Two Romneys"...Love to hear your comments. If not, I'll make up my own.

P.S. I will also add in a few explanatory notes to some of my writing, as I hate to talk about it but some people have at (as in one person), so I will make it more understandable to the smarter man. Cheers.

P.P.S. Stay tuned, if a certain candidate wins on Tuesday, I will post a poem I wrote for him, like Walt Whitman's elegy for Abraham Lincoln, except mine will be happy and earnest. If you want to see a people's love for a president, cross-your fingers and check back Tuesday. I for one, am going to go campaign in one of the swing states, kowabongaaa!

Check out my Inaugural Poem for Obama! It rhymes (sort of!) Has Inaugural Cliff Notes too, if you want to use it in class (if you do, that would be too cool! So please let me know, it would totally make my day!)



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