Friday, November 30, 2012

Background notes on Marrying Sis, A Story That Should Not Be

Some of you will wonder whether this is a work of fiction or an autobiography. I know that I would not wish what happened to the protagonist in this story on anyone. All I will say is that truth is the best defense to slander, and if you think some parts are true, count yourself among the lucky ones. For those of you getting married or know someone getting married, let them read this serial story. It might change their perspective on what is important for a wedding. (Pretty much nothing except love.)

I’ve added in facts that are obviously untrue to be confounded with some of the facts that shouldn’t be true, couldn’t be true, yet are nonetheless too true. The ridiculoso-ness of this makes me believe in Existentialism. To give you an idea what this wedding was like, here are other titles that I have entertained for this story:

Getting Married the Crazian Way

The Thing That Should Not Have Happened

A Thesis in Support of (the Existence of) Existentialism

There are Some Things that You Just Cannot Laugh About, No Matter How Hard You Try


How I Almost Died but Am Not Out of the Clear Just Yet

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(P.S. Thanks, Russian guy/gal for reading. Be sure to let your friends read this! Thanks!)

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