Friday, September 26, 2014

Tentative Upcoming Chapters to Operation Keep PT Down

Chapter 14     My Mother has a Talk With Steve
                      (What I Wouldn't have Given to have Been a Fly on the Wall)
Chapter 15    
Chapter 16     For Some Reason, I Could Not Find an Apartment to Rent
Chapter 17    
Chapter 18     Lorraine Hernandez’s Place
Chapter 19    
Chapter 20     Meet La Princess (a.k.a. Dominique Jackson)
Chapter 21    
Chapter 22     Spooky Going-Ons at Steve's Place
Chapter 23    
Chapter 24     Why Does Lorraine's Place remind me of Steve's Place?
                      (Why Is My Landlady Acting like Steve's Landlord Lol)
Chapter 25    
Chapter 26     Meet Edgar Motivated
Chapter 27    
Chapter 28     Steve's Laptop with All Hs Patent Ideas is Stolen
Chapter 29    
Chapter 30     Meet the Security Guards of Rancho Dominguez Estates
Chapter 31    
Chapter 32     The Lights in Lorraine's Place have a Life of Their Own,
                      and More Simplistic Mind Games
Chapter 33    
Chapter 34     The Car Parked at the End of the Street
                      (in the No Parking Any Time Zone that Never Got Towed)
Chapter 35    
Chapter 36     Steve's Laptop is Returned with His Patent Ideas Deleted
Chapter 37    
Chapter 38     Steve Asks Me to Help Him Patent An Idea
Chapter 39    
Chapter 40     OnSTar Keeps Giving Me Wrong Directions to Work
Chapter 41    
Chapter 42     The First Bee in Lorraine's Place
Chapter 43    
Chapter 44     The Second Bee Stuck to My Car
Chapter 45    
Chapter 46     Steve's Ex Stalks Him (But Not By Choice)
Chapter 47    
Chapter 48     Steve and My First Separation
Chapter 49    
Chapter 50     Meeting at Top-Secret Security Headquarters
Chapter 51    
Chapter 52     Steve Keeps Sketching His Patent Idea
Chapter 53    
Chapter 54     There is Less Work for Me at the Office
Chapter 55    
Chapter 56     Steve Needs Help With His Patent Idea
Chapter 57    
Chapter 58     My Engine Smells as if it is Burning
Chapter 59    
Chapter 60     Steve and My Second Separation
Chapter 61    
Chapter 62     My Office Did Not Receive My Deposition Report
                      Even Though I Sent It Twice
Chapter 63    
Chapter 64     I have Steve's Patent Idea and People are Following Me
Chapter 65    
Chapter 66     Everything Goes Wrong, And I Mean Everything
Chapter 67    
Chapter 126   Because I Love Freedom More
                      (Why I Still Help Steve's When No One Dares to Help Us)
Chapter 153  
Chapter 154   There Will Be Bloodshed (Because the Best Predictor of the Future is the Past, and there Has been Blood Shed)

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