
Monday, December 3, 2012

An Inaugural Poem for President Obama by Ssal Nogard 2012 2013

Click here for An Open Letter to President Obama.

For those of you who read my "Tale of Two Romneys" with accompanying Explanation Notes. I am sentimental and strongly prefer writing uplifting poems! Below, is my inaugural poem for President Obama! I'm writing up my ideas behind this inaugural poem, click here to see how I wove together some visions I had while on Kool Aid j/k!

Here's a link to Other Inaugural Poems, Poets who have read at Presidential Inaugurations: Robert Frost for John F. Kennedy, Miller Williams for Bill Clinton, and Maya Angelou for B.O, yay!

This is something I wrote before the election (yikes! thank goodness I didn't jinx the outcome!) I was sleeping in bed dreaming of Gallup Polls, NBC Polls, Rasmussen Polls, CNN Poll of Polls, oversampling correction methods, how RealClearPolitics updates their website before CNN and how CNN didn't update their election polls on weekends (they call themselves "The Worldwide Leader in News"?), when I was dragged out of bed by some lines running through my head. Didn't really think that I should write this poem until after the election, but it had to come out anyway...Just had a chance to format it. Looking for a font that is more formal and presentation worthy than Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet, but less script than Monotype Corsiva, which is used below. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Enjoy. =-)

***Generally, I let a poem sit for months or years, revising it until it sounds just so. However, with the Presidential Inauguration coming up in January, it didn't make sense to sit on this until next year. Thus, although I posted this days ago, it has gone through some revisions. Someone told me that my rhyme and rhythm was not up to par with what they are used to, see The Cataracts of Paradise (about the tallest waterfall is in the world). The Cataracts of Iguacu or Iguazu inspired this epic love poem. Back to the subject, so if you come back every now and then, this poem might be even better! The rest of the explanatory notes I hope to have posted by Dec. 11th.

Also, I agree with E.E. Cummings that formatting can be important to a poem. The spacing in my inaugural poem helps the readerknow where to pause on the first read. The formatting converts funky and I haven't been able to perfectly control the look of the poem on this website. I'll try to upload a PDF version if I can ever get it all figured out. Obviously, I am a dinosaur when it comes to computer technology, lol.

As a result of obsessing over the spacing, rhyme, rhythm, and meter, I keep having to upload new versions on Amazon, search for: "An Inaugural Poem for President Barack Obama" or click this link. At least however, the Amazon version maintains the spacing and formatting in the precise manner that actually makes the reading easier and more enjoyable.***

Remember, if you like the poem, reach out and touch someone! If you don't like it, leave a comment!

A Poem Written in Honor of President Barack Obama’s Inauguration 2013
                                       By Ssal Nogard

One evening I stood facing
                              many roads both left and right.
They wound among themselves before me
                                         with the pending night.
I peered closely but could not see
                                  the path that each road ran.
Only that each path rose to
                               its neighboring distant height.


I stepped forward pressed by voices
                                    that refused to wait.
And saw a hand extended filled
                          with lines of love and hate.
I looked up into the face of Battle
                                          and of Destiny.
“Will you come with me,” He said
                          “or will you go with Fate?”

I took the Gentle Giant’s hand
                                 and stepped through the hazy gray,
and thought I heard the laughter
                       of Ben Frank and Thom J. along the way.
After two terms we met a fork
                           that ran red along both roads.
On each side were countless voices
                                          pressing me to stay.

The gentle giant nudged me forward
                                        and warned me not to wait.
I stumbled along the reddened roads
                                Both marked with love and hate.
Ahead I saw a face whose hair
                               was ruddy from the roads.
His hand held out to hasten me
                                      before I was too late.

No sooner did I take his hand,
                                 then He was gone again.
And saw he held me steadfast on
                      the road’s most uncertain bend.
I shifted as one road descended
                                    while the other rose.
On each a Brother thrust out a wound
                      that grew and refused to mend.

Between the roads a woman lay 
                            a blindfolded bound her head.
She lay as if she slumbered through
                                 the blindfold dripping red.
Her scales were of the lightest touch
                                a whisper broke the balance
The slightest swing on either side 
                                 changed who came out ahead.

“There is no justice,” did the Blind Lady
                                       state with Warranty.
“For even with my blindfold 'tis
                                      near impossible to see.
There is no power equal to:
                       the strong who shield the poor.”
And that is the most that justice
                             without sight can guarantee.


The brothers were bound more tightly
                                        than the many winding roads.
No matter how Great the Burden,
                                      the brothers shared their loads.
Their scars seared brightly to their skin
                                    sewn from each others’ Bondage,
Woven from great Ideas--and lapses--
                                          into canons, laws and codes.

Across the Eastern waters:
                         the New Order was deftly wrought.
Beyond the Western sea:
                       the lands of which our Fathers sought.
But finding Something in between
                                 Our forefathers stopped to rest.
Go West young man, go west,
                  was Then, and Now our greatest thought.

The brothers’ bonds stretched slowly,
                                       yet never did they snap.
They flexed their newfound strength with hands
                             that drew a New World Map.
The bonds broke in striations
                                that kept our voices taut.
Even as it seemed some voices,
                           were still helplessly entrapped.

The voices on each side
                       clamored fiercely to be heard.
Above the din there came a cry
                                   of one solitary word.
The Word was heard by all except
                   to each the sound was different.
Each sister spoke the same word,
                    But the sound still felt absurd.

With His face turned to all roads,
                                   He walked with easy gait
on our winding road that split
                               three dozen times plus eight;
with Bright Eyes and Brighter Smile,
                                      He offered me his hand:
“Will you go with me he,” He asked,
                                 “Or will you go with Fate?”

I took his hand and saw the roads
                           blocked by the Hand of Fate.
On her palm the tears of love
                         drowned out the lines of hate.
The Halls of Justice are not built
                                      within a single day.
With luck their expanse will never end, 
                             Yet United, We can wait.


© 2012 by Ssal  Nogard of the CRAZIANS

Four More Years, Yay!

Will be posting a Jack Handy's "Deep Thoughts" Analysis soon. A cannot miss! ;-)

Hey, we got someone on the Continent reading this now. Don't you people ever sleep? lol.

Keep in mind that if you pass this along to your friends and lots of peeps like it, then I might, just might be invited to read this at President Obama's inauguration in January! lulz!

Need an Explanation? What on earth does this poem mean? Click here for Part I!

Part II, Explanation of Inaugural Poem for Obama.

Part III. Author's Notes on Inaugural Poem 2012

Part IV Explanatory Notes, Meaning Behind Inaugural Poem

Friend me on Facebook to get the Inaugural Poem 2013 for Obama out!

Click here to watch Maya Angelou's inaugural poem for Obama in 2008

Click here is Maya's poem.

Some background to Maya Angelou's Inaugural Poem

Here's another inaugural poem by Elizabeth Alexander: Praise Song for the Day

The Huffington Post compares past Inaugural Poems

My Inaugural Poem for President Obama on Amazon. Be the Very SECOND to Buy it, lol!



What I Said When I saw Salvador Dali's Metamorphosis of Narcissus
Ssal Nogard Poem Explained Interpretation Meaning Analysis
Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali

PrincessBoo Wakes Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Brilliant. Obama is going to be proud. Plus all those other works. I'm amazed at the fantastic accomplishments of this poet.


I would LOVE to hear what you think...