
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Metamorphosis of Narcissus - My Take on Salvador Dali's Take on the Mythology

Yes, this is about Salvador Dali and his painting the Metamorphosis of Narcissus, but slight, but interesting detour, Ladies and Gentlmen. Excuse my ADD-ness.

Slight Detour: Yes, I not only got to President Obama's Second Inauguration (no fluke, you doubters!) but I ALSO got to the OFFICIAL Inaugural Ball! Details to Come.

Check out my Open Letter to President Obama and An Inaugural Poem I wrote for President Obama. Background Notes to the poem I wrote in Honor of President Obama's Inauguration are available in Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV.

If you're like me, you always get mixed up between Narcissus, the gorgeous but oh, so vain dude who expired because he couldn't stop gazing at his mesmerizing expression in the water and Icarus, who flew with wax wings so high the sun melted his prideful attempt to soar to heaven while attempting to escape the island of Crete. Even their names sound the same. (Both have an "a", an "r", a "c", an "s", an "i", and a "u".

Okay, so Narcissus didn't quite drown and Icarus wasn't an Adonis but all the pictures of Icarus make him look like a Calvin Klein centerfold (oh, la la).

Here's the Masterpiece. You gotta' look at it while you read my little lyrical poem. I can scarcely remember gazing at this painting at the Tate Moderne. (Yes, I added an "e" on "Moderne." The architectural style of the museum is so chi-chi, but I like it anyway.)  All I remember was saying, "Wow, this painting is small" because in the books it's so larger than life, and "Wow, this painting is larger than life."

Ssal Nogard Poem Explained Interpretation Meaning Analysis
Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali at the Tate Modern

Metamorphosis of Narcissus

          by Ssal Nogard

I live.  In a state of rare existence
    of luxurious existentialism
in which I can tolerate, gorge.
And thrive.

I do nothing of service, produce nothing
Creation no… and much consume.
          I am one of those idlers of the world.
Who of necessity do nothing, necessity being
       nothing to me. 

For me there is only idolitrazation
         and adoration, of myself.
In the mirror.

My mirror tells of a place
  where colors do not blend between objects but only
               an entity, so smoothly, even
            in their contrast. 
A clarity of pure air, gases so invisible the objects
in front, between
   them almost had a visible outline
where tranquility muffles a rarefied tension.
           Where souls enjoy their existence
and moan.  their delight. 

It is a place of great beauty
     and distinction of light and colors.  glowing
       blended with darkness and cream.
Everything is beautiful in this place--
     including I: Narcissus.

     I can hear them, my brothers and
sisters to the back of me, posing
and wondering
       where I have gone.

But they would not come with me
    to the water
where they could be happy
       gazing at themselves in
          their happiness.

       For you see, I was the happiest of them all
so beautiful was I--am I!
    beautiful and free
and with no longing to lift myself
               from the edge of these
    waters, pristine and still
no ripple to mar
     none of my beauty out
My reflection unfiltered and purely--Me.

       I came to lounge one day.
    It was hot, and I.  thirsty, and
these waters were so beautiful
           we had to be together.

I lay down, by the still, still banks
         and cupped--a hand of waters
to drink.  And drink I did. Oh, coolness
      quenched!  Wetness.   .  . silk,
             calmed my throat and I sunk
      to sleep.

But it was a strange water.
           For when I woke, I was thirstier than
before and lifted a handful
     to drink.  And grew thirstier--and I
       tasted the saline, a kind of
aphrodisiac for man
 a kind of immortalized liquid
watered down
                for man.

And it was me,
       (when it was not me
    who wanted anything
             but the idle of life).
         who became idol to

I needed more, more
    than my single hand could cup,
       and so lifted myself on my elbows
and cupped both my hands to--


I saw, the most beautiful
   of the divine
looking me
           full in the face
       from my two cupped hands.
Staring and I
  thought with terror that
          I might drop him.  that
I should never gaze at him again, exactly as
       do I, now,

             For even so, he was falling
       from my hands, though
      I cupped him tighter
              still.  To see him,
    gaze at him idolize him

He was strangely
      so imbued with a current, snaking
   its way underneath
his skin, sending
         it into tiny a-quivery convulsions

   The saline!
   The cursed aphrodisiac of the gods!

And still he was slipping
     becoming narrower, skewed
       distorted Beauty beyond means,
  and my power to save him…

       And so I drank him.
So that he could be
  with we--eternally.
  Beautiful forever.

  Yes, I had to
       taste him--yet
     another gulp.
  To quaff my
         newfound need to
     gaze at him.
  I had to raise another hands-full of
poison to my adoring worship-, wistfullest eyes and
         drink him. Before he
    fell from me,
my hands were incessantly cupping
       and lifting and drinking
my lips made love
    with each gulp of desire.
I drank and drank
       and bowed down
on the bank.
             on which, I was kneeling.

I can no longer see
       myself anymore
There is nothing
     to see,
         no face to
  gaze puppishly
at the face beauty in the water. 

There is a lump where my
     love used to be--one that
       I cannot see, but feel--
  sitting heavily in
the water.
         I grow stiff
     into substance
 growing from within
my bones overtake
             my flesh.  Hardness.  Like
muscle broiled in the sun.

I can hear (with what?) the clouds
     melting into themselves,
       but not into the sky;
afraid to step past
     the demarcation.

I groove the road
     I will now never take
             and let it, wind and go--
   where I will never.

And my hungry dog,
     eats red flesh, to add on
  to his.

I hear my brothers burst into a deeper shade
                 of pale
           while they frolic by their own pool undaring to wander
   and claim a
              pool of the gods as I have.
       “Look!” they cry “Narcissus
    the handless would
         I howled in
  bleached amaranthine 
    grief as a
           cripple does
 when he cannot do what others
       do, the simple,
  the moronic tasks.
       Yet can do I a
    thousandfold in
the fiendish mind.

and my dear love,
       bent in strategy,
    on a box of red and black
           contemplating me as
  I contemplate myself,
        Considered myself to
      the utmost, being fascinated
             with none other.

  I feel the mountains evaporating in a crunching
         break, releasing the
lighter parts of themselves
                               to the heavens and
         sinking lower, dripping
     in love

and somewhere a
       hand lifted
        me from position.
    its last two fingers
lifted my knee
       and its forefingers
lifted my

       And feel my shadow
    extending twice
          as the gods lifted
  their one concerted
              hand to lift me
     from my

  Its thumb lifted
my chin and my brain cracked
          in curves
  My hair, once flowed like veins, even more so
     and my face of beauty was
          supported thusly
          by the cracked
     finger of the gods.

From my mind, (as it ever was so)
     grew the consummation of
   my desideratum
          white, dazzling-white,
  and pointing in every direction.
                 It is so beautiful that I
lift to pluck it but,
  to take myself rips me in two
       before offering myself to myself

So I kneel here and
    gaze and see my
       beloved gently (loving me)
swaying in the wind
     and know my love
           can survive if I
   abstain from my
                   desideratum of myself.
    oh, to idolize without
       touching.  It is beyond me and that is how
it survives. 


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Other Paintings by Monsieur Salvador Dali that are cool:

Metamorphosis of Narcissus Poem Meaning by Ssal Nogard
The Persistence of Memory (La persistence de la mémoire) by Monsieur Salvador Dali

The Persistence of Memory - La Persistance de la Memoire Interpretation

Wow, I had no idea there was a Salvador Dali Museum in Florida. Talk about missing something when I was down there.

Ssal Nogard Interpretation of Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali Unknown (I call it "Tower Man")

The painting above reminds me of a story I once wrote called: "Tower Man." Gotta' rustle that up somewhere....

Metamorphosis of Narcissus

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